So there I was staring at the next item on my bucket list and it actually made me giggle.
The thought of me being even close to famous people was a bit ridiculous, yet I put that item there for a reason.
Don’t worry, I have no illusions about being a movie star or anything, but this next item on my list definitely pushed buttons! Which made me want to try it even more.
For one thing, I remember never been chosen for anything as a kid. I was chosen last for anything sports related which wreaked havoc on my confidence and made me believe I was terrible at sports, which isn’t true.
As a consequence, my chief goal in childhood and my teens was to hide, which is ironic considering I was bigger than most girls in my class and stuck out. By college, though, I came out of my shell more and am now exploring this life of mine!
When I finally went for it on a movie set, standing out was the last thing I expected, but there I was being encouraged by the director of the film, to not only stop hiding but to stand-out.
His direction was against my programming yet I chose to have faith and go with the flow.
I realized that although Hollywood isn’t for me, I did eventually enjoy the feeling of been seen by others.
But what was really wonderful was seeing myself in a new way. I don’t have to hide anymore but I can also choose to hang back if I wish.
Choices are opening up to me more and more — that can’t be a bad thing, right?
I’m beginning to outgrow the scrutiny of others and rely on my own judgments and intuition. That begins with being willing to stop hiding.
Are you ready to stop hiding and see yourself in a whole, new light?
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