Sometimes even little risks can seem huge.
Sometimes small steps outside our comfort zone can send us into panic. But what about the big leaps?
This item on my bucket list is something I’ve been afraid to follow through with. It isn’t just a little risk, or a tiny step. It’s a giant leap.
I’m hoping it will launch me through this cloud of self-doubt and fear.
However, even as I type this post, I’m not sure that I can go through with it. Even small changes are big accomplishments, but making a big change can be downright scary.
Instead of focusing on that fear I’m trying to look at it from a different perspective.
I’m flooded with beautiful sensations when I imagine what it will be like to have accomplished this task. Instead of being afraid of what could go wrong, I’m trying to focus on being afraid of what I will miss if I don’t go through with it.
I could go my entire life and never do some of the things that I have on my bucket list. But will I look back and regret it? Now is the time for me to seize every experience and live it to its fullest, not to shy away and wait for the perfect moment.
Have you ever avoided an opportunity out of fear and then regretted it? I’m sure some of you may be thinking that taking a risk could lead to disaster, but to me the only disaster would be standing still.
Even if I take a risk and the experience isn’t what I expect, I will still be able to learn a little bit more about myself and have that memory to guide me in my future choices.
So if there’s something you’ve been avoiding, let this be the moment that everything changes.
I’m ready to take my big leap, are you ready to take that leap with me?
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