When ever anyone fills out those surveys on what they want most out of life, many answers tend to be: "I want happiness." Yet it's a mystery how to achieve this state. We all want more connection, deeper ties to our children, and a fulfilling relationship. We're told the one way to happiness ... continue reading...
Let's be honest, it's a pretty common thing to stand in front of a mirror without a piece of clothing on and criticize. It's not about appreciating the body, but picking out the things we don't like about it. If I stand in front of that mirror long enough I will find an area on every part of my ... continue reading...
Lonely Nights of a Single Wide Female
Okay, first time experience here. At least, the first time in a very long time. I wonder if any of you have had the same experience? Even though I've been single for some time, I never really felt alone, or lonely. I always had a certain friend, let's call him X, that filled that gap for me. ... continue reading...
Learning to Relax and be Messy
If there's anything that a cooking class can teach you, it's to be passionate. Okay, maybe the teacher taught me a little bit about that too. Before I stepped inside, I was rigid and focused only on what I couldn't do right. My life seemed to have come to a grinding halt. But when those aromas ... continue reading...
All You Have to Do: Be Yourself
Is it ever okay to be seen? It's a question that I have been thinking about ever since my introduction to an amazing artist's work. The paintings pointed out that we do not even look at each other anymore. There's very little interaction. All of our time and energy is focused into ourselves, not ... continue reading...